Month: October 2017

Bridging Instructional Design and Active Learning

Google Chrome Extensions For Teaching and Learning

Some interesting people said that in many cases we learn by accident and I agree. While finishing my last post from the first half of the class, Google Blogger for Teaching and Learning, I wanted to add some features to it that could enhance the possibilities for anybody to access it. In other words, I…
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Google Blogger for Teaching and Learning- Last post of the first season!

Note on accessibility: VoiceOver Command Charts for Macs or CromeVox for windows or if prefer select to read options then click on Voice Instead option Before anything, thank so much to all of you for visiting my blog and making powerful comments.  As we all know we should be changing our topic and we have already moved around into…
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Google Maps for Teaching and Learning

Hello virtual classmates! One more additional blog and we will be changing topics. Do you already know which your next focused topic will be? I hope you are thinking about it in the middle of all the things you are doing at the same time. But again, thanks for following my blog and making good…
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